Brand positioning and website building:
Katja Noschis Delaloye and Peter Sun worked together from February 2021 to March 2022 at The Listener Concept Store in Frankfurt, to create their website, When Katja was hired, the Concept store had only a transactional site, Katja defined the positioning of the new website after doing a market research and defining its future customer base (business persona).
The special positioning, which would ensure market shares for the business came from two factors:
A purposeful and sustainable brand mix
A disruptive product mix, including: fashion, beauty&selfcare products, tech products and home&accessories
Following the research phase, Katja and Peter defined and created the corporate identity of the business, including:
The logo
Business cards
Corporate ID
Website building:
The entire design of the website, using a Shopify template as a base
The editorial content
The individual designer landing pages
The product pages
Below examples of website front page and of the category banners